Mar. 04

AZ Beer Bullies 2023

Liberty Performance Training is proud to announce our 6th Annual AZ Beer Bullies! This will be a show to remember. This is our first contest sanctioned by U.S. Strongman. This will also be our first sanctioned contest with novice divisions! As always, we will have food trucks, spectator challenges, a silent auction, and of course, BEER! All our events are finalized below. Details on prizes, which food truck will be appearing, and more to come! Registration will go up to $100 on January 1st. See you there!




Weight Classes:

USS Weight Classes

Event Details:

Overhead Press Medley

Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete this four-implement medley. The medley will proceed as follows: Axle C+P, Log C+P, Axle C+P, Circus DB C+P. Athletes must have the implement locked out overhead with their feet inline to receive a down command. Implements must be completed in the specified order (above). Time stops once the final “down” command is given on the fourth implement. Fastest time wins. This event will be ran two athletes at a time. Women will use a 10″ Log, Men will use a 12″ Log. All supportive equipment is allowed. No tacky. 

Open Divisions

Lightweight Women- 100, 110, 120, 75

Middleweight Women- 110, 120, 130, 80

Heavyweight Women- 120, 135, 145, 90

Super-Heavyweight Women- 120, 140, 150, 100


Lightweight Men- 200, 210, 230, 120

Middleweight Men- 230, 240, 260, 130

Heavyweight Men- 260, 270, 290, 150

Super-Heavyweight Men- 270, 280, 300, 170


Novice Divisions

Lightweight Women- 90, 100, 110, 75

Heavyweight Women- 100, 110, 120, 75

Lightweight Men- 180, 190, 200, 100

Heavyweight Men- 190, 200, 210, 110


Axle Deadlift AMRAP

Athletes will have 60 seconds to perform as many reps as possible. Barbell will be set to standard bumper plate pick height. Every rep must receive the down command. This event will be ran two athletes at a time. Most reps win. All supportive equipment is allowed (including deadlift suits). No tacky.

Open Divisions

Lightweight Women- 240

Middleweight Women- 260

Heavyweight Women- 280

Super-Heavyweight Women- 320 


Lightweight Men- 400

Middleweight Men- 450

Heavyweight Men- 550

Super-Heavyweight Men- 600 


Novice Divisions

Lightweight Women- 220

Heavyweight Women- 260

Lightweight Men- 360

Heavyweight Men- 400


Yoke/Farmers Medley

This two-implement carry medley will be 40 foot lengths with a 60 second time limit. Athletes will begin with both hands on the Yoke. Following the commands “Athlete ready? Go!”, the event will begin. The entire implement must be carried across the line to complete each length. Once the Farmer handles (13″ pick height) completely cross the line your time to completion will be recorded. The weights for the farmer handles below indicates the weight per hand. This event will be ran two athletes at a time. Fastest time wins. Unlimited drops. All supportive equipment is allowed. No tacky. 

Open Divisions

Lightweight Women- 350, 120

Middleweight Women- 380, 130

Heavyweight Women- 400, 150

Super-Heavyweight Women- 430, 160


Lightweight Men- 550, 200

Middleweight Men- 650, 250

Heavyweight Men- 700, 270

Super-Heavyweight Men- 750, 280


Novice Divisions

Lightweight Women- 330, 100

Heavyweight Women- 380, 120

Lightweight Men- 450, 175

Heavyweight Men- 500, 200


Carry + Load Medley

This four-implement carry and load medley will be 40 foot lengths. Implements will be sandbags, kegs, or heavy med balls only. Below you will find the range from the lightest to the heaviest implement. Specific weights for specific implements are not given. Athletes will begin by standing hands-off their first implement. At the signal of “Athlete ready? Go!” athletes will pick and carry their implements 40 feet, loading it over the crossbar of a yoke. All implements will be set at 40 feet from the loading bar. Implements must be carried and loaded in order of lightest to heaviest. The time limit for this event is 60 seconds. Women’s yoke height will be 40″ and Men’s yoke height will be 45”. This event will be ran one athlete at a time. All supportive equipment is allowed. No tacky. 

Open Divisions

Lightweight Women: 60 – 100

Middleweight Women: 75 – 145

Heavyweight Women: 100 – 165

Super-Heavyweight Women: 125 – 213


Lightweight Men: 175 – 250

Middleweight Men: 175 – 285

Heavyweight Men: 225 – 300

Super-Heavyweight Men: 225 – 300


Novice Divisions

Lightweight Women: 60 – 100

Heavyweight Women: 75 – 145

Lightweight Men: 165 – 225

Heavyweight Men: 175 – 250


King of the Stones

This event is sure to be new for many of you! Each weight class will be going head to head to accomplish as many reps as possible with their stone. Each athlete will have 10 seconds to load the stone over their yoke crossbar. There is no time or round limit, only the 10 second limit once the stone falls to your side. Each division will be staged in a single file line based on rank of the previous event. The first two in the line will step up to begin. As soon as one athlete bows out, the next in line will jump in immediately. This will continue until all athletes have done as many reps as possible. You may “stay in it” for as long as you can meet the time standard per rep. Score will be taken according to how many reps you accomplished. Therefore, this is an AMRAP event not a last man standing event. Women’s height is 40” and Men’s height is 45”. All supportive equipment is allowed, including tacky. 

Open Divisions

Lightweight Women- 115

Middleweight Women- 165

Heavyweight Women- 180

Super-Heavyweight Women- 215


Lightweight Men- 225

Middleweight Men- 275

Heavyweight Men- 300

Super-Heavyweight Men- 330


Novice Divisions

Lightweight Women- 115

Heavyweight Women- 145

Lightweight Men- 215

Heavyweight Men- 250