Dec. 04

Strongman Symposium 2021


Join us for a HIGH energy lecture series featuring some of the best minds in strength training working today! Tickets are available HERE ON EVENTBRITE for $150 to attend live or $99 for a livestream option. Use the Promo Code LIBERTY20 for a 20% discount now through October 31st! With a speaker rotation including one of the strongest men to ever walk the earth, this is an event you are guaranteed to leave from smarter, stronger, and more prepared to tackle the demands of your own training or your clients!


Strongman Symposium 2021

Saturday, Dec 4th at Liberty Performance Training in Phoenix, AZ

This seminar is worth 0.5 CEUs for NSCA Members! 


Lifting for Longevity (9:00-9:40 AM) by Zac Miller, BS, CSCS

We are all looking for the best method to lift for life, but is there a right or wrong way to do this? How do we differentiate between pain and injury? Mark Taysom has been quoted as saying: “He who lifts the longest is strongest.” This lecture will shed light on how anyone can bring this to fruition.


Strength & the Foot (9:45-10:45 AM) by Dr. Emily Splichal, Podiatrist, Founder of Naboso Technology

Learn to unlock the hidden power of the glutes through foot activation and from the ground up techniques.   Join Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist Dr Splichal as she explores this complex and integrated structure.   


Injury Prevention & Management for Strongman Competitors by Naveed Shan, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS

It is vital to understand prehab as well as management of injuries in any Strongman or Powerlifting training cycle, as setbacks from injury are an all too often occurrence.  This lecture will discuss specific injury prevention and management strategies as well as real-world examples of common injury sites and protocols for strength sports.


Lunch Provided by Hella Fresh Foods (11:50 – 12:30)


Practical: Hands On Strongman Event Training (12:30-2:00 PM) by Jon Erickson, BS, CSCS, Nebraska’s Strongest Man

Become more comfortable and maximize efficiency on the following exercises: Deadlift Variations (Mammoth, Rear Loaded, Axle), Overhead Press (Log, Axle, Viking), and Loads/Carries (Yoke, Atlas Stone, Husafel Stone).


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: My Journey Through Strongman (2:00-3:00 PM) by Jerry Pritchett

Jerry Pritchett is an American Strongman and Powerlifter.  He is a multiple time World’s Strongest Man finalist, was 2017 America’s Strongest Man, and has held numerous world records.  His discussion of his journey through Strongman will cover events, nutrition, training plans, injury management, and much more!