May 31

The 2nd Annual Liberty Standard

7 events, done in succession, 10 points possible per event, two different absolute scales for men and women, one bigass leaderboard. Liberty members: Keep Memorial Day on your calendars! We’ll be grilling out thanks to Geoff and Trish Bennett along with some mimosas courtesy of the gym and running as many people through the Standard as possible. Sign up sheet will be posted in the gym and official rules/scale published today! Prizes will be awarded to top Male and top Female athletes for the day and there will be two rotating trophies in the gym for the best scores on the Standard!

This test is designed to provide the WHOLE ATHLETE picture and we think it does just that. Looking forward to seeing who comes out on top!

Event 1: 3-Cone Stack (Speed/Agility)
Event 2: Kneeling Med Ball Throw (Power)
Event 3: 1RM Mammoth Bar Deadlift (Strength)
Event 4: Bodyweight (Women@75%) Bench Press for Reps (Muscular Endurance)
Event 5: 1600m Row (Anaerobic Threshold)
Event 6: Standing Split Ratio (Flexibility)
Event 7: Sled Push 7:23×7 (Phosphate Recovery)
Event 8: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry.